Virtual Classes

In the Kitchen with Kate 2025: A Year of Savory and Sweet Baking and Cooking with Kate McDermott

Here’s your invitation to join me for In the Kitchen with Kate, a warm, witty, and delicious time of baking and cooking live from my Pie Cottage Kitchen.
You can register for the full year or by the month, too.

Register for In the Kitchen with Kate

Upcoming Virtual Sessions
March: Comfort Food

  • Easy Cheesy Rice & Beanies

  • Salad with Vinaigrette

  • Mystery Squash Cookies

April: Quick Meals for Solitary Eaters

  • Vegetable Pancakes

  • Miso Soup with Kim Chee and Egg

  • Marinated Rice Salad with Tomato and Feta

May: Breakfast for Supper

  • Pie Cottage Scones

  • Oven Baked Bacon

  • Greens, Garlic and Eggs

  • WHAT: Each month we will make up to three recipes—some sweet, some savory, all delicious—plus a few surprise recipes all of which you can share with family and friends or enjoy by yourself.

  • WHEN & WHERE: We will meet virtually via Zoom on the first Sunday of each month at 11:00 AM PACIFIC/2:00 PM EASTERN for a 1-2 hour session of cooking and baking together.

  • THE MENU: Recipes are from Home Cooking with Kate McDermott and can be made gluten-free, too! Each month's menu will be sent to you one-week in advance of the individual month’s session.

  • GET YOUR BOOK: You will need your own copy of Home Cooking with Kate McDermott which you can order online or through your local bookstore. My local independent bookstore Port Book & News will ship signed copies anywhere in the United States.

  • LIFETIME ACCESS TO VIDEO REPLAY: If you can’t make a session, no worries! All sessions are recorded and you have lifetime viewing access.

These recipes are sure to please even the pickiest of eaters and it is my joy to share them with you!

Use the link below to register and for more information.

Register for In the Kitchen with Kate

The Full Menu
Hearty Cheddar and Potato Soup
Cornbread Gluten Free or Gluten Full
Cobb Salad
Greens, Garlic, and Eggs
Berry Good Coffee Cake
My Grandmother’s Oven-Baked Beef Stew
Easy Cheesy Rice and Beanies
Marinated Rice Salad with Tomato and Feta
Uncle Alfonso’s No-Fuss Paella
Minestrone for All Seasons
Pear Berry Pie
Corn, Pepper, Tomato, and Sausage Pie
Black Bean Chili
Spinach Lasagna
Zucchini Frittata Casserole
Fudgy Brownies
Potato Curry with Spinach and Mushrooms
Salad Niçoise-ish
Pie Cottage Scones
Make Ahead Layered Salad
Twice Baked Potatoes
Plus Quick Meals for Solitary Eaters!

Register for In the Kitchen with Kate

Then order your copy of Home Cooking with Kate McDermott our recipe guide for the year.

Buy Home Cooking with Kate McDermott

That’s me in my kitchen holding Home Cooking with Kate McDermott

Register for In the Kitchen with Kate

I’ve made thousands of meals for my family and friends since I was…well, let’s see…twelve years old and I’m looking forward to sharing these recipes with you.

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