Indeed, not all heroes wear capes.

I wake today with shame at being an American. What a display.

Think I’ll make that poppy seed cake and write my Senators and Congressional Representatives.

And then be kind today🌻

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Bosco and I are going to a peaceful demonstration today. This act may seem small but I feel it is very important. I pray that the right to do so is not taken away from us.

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Bless your heart for this post. Be careful of you and Bosco at the demonstration. They don’t always stay peaceful and this area is rife with red hats.❤️

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Will do.

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Thanks, Kate, for these healing thoughts and actions after yesterday's horror! ❤️

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It is horrible.

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Thanks, Kate, for this. There are times in history when we all need to stick together for what is right, and to do what we can, no matter how much or how little, for those in danger of losing their freedoms.

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And this is one of those times! I never EVER thought I would see this in my lifetime.

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Yay, Superman! Wonderful reminder for us all to find "Superman" in ourselves! Thanks for the post. I love World Central Kitchen and have been connected to them since they began providing food and supplies in Ukraine right after the Russian invasion. I also was just made aware of United24 which is the Official Fundraising site for Ukraine, so I donated there today. https://u24.gov.ua/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

It all helps!

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"Wonderful reminder for us all to find "Superman" in ourselves!" I love this image! And thank you for the link to United 24! I did not know about this site, Kitty.

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Thanks for keeping Ukraine in our hearts and minds. Let's hope others will also keep the US in their hearts as we are dismantled. Let's be brave. I had a pie bake-off in my kitchen yesterday because I wanted to make chicken pot pie for the world and couldn't figure out how to make such a large pie. So I invited all my baker friends over and my pie-eater friends, and we had a feast. So much fun and so much laughter, but most of all camaraderie which will serve us as we fight the good fight. Onward!

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We always need camaraderie and especially so now.

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