Love the moment when they circle around without a word spoken... !

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Kate McDermott

Your mention of elderberries brought back a childhood memory. Our family lived in St. Louis, but there was extended family in a farming community called Altenburg. A couple of times a year my father would go there to visit his Uncle Addie (Arthur) to go fishing. When my father returned home, he would always bring some tasty gifts from Uncle Addie - bushels of apples and bottles of homemade elderberry wine. I was fairly young, but I was allowed one very small taste of the wine. So many years later I can still remember the rich, fruit-filled taste of it!

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Kate McDermott

Kate, I appreciate the story on so many levels. For some reason it’s comforting to know other people make the same mistakes I do. Lol

And speaking of helpers … a friend of mine who just retired after 35 years in cardiology is now in Ukraine volunteering. The world needs good helpers.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Kate McDermott

Many thanks for sharing such a wonderful outcome to a gut-wrenching panicky event for you... Bless those young ‘Guardian Angels’ for helping watch over you!

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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Kate McDermott

I love this story. The tension was palpable and I am familiar with the feeling of experiencing just a tad of old-ness when I do something that involves memory (to be exact...the LACK of....and distraction. It's so humbling. Your "angels" and their care-taking made me smile.

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