I love this list! Braeburn and Pink Lady are my favorites but now I know what to look for at farmer's markets (though not sure I'll find too many unique ones here in OK). Thank you!

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My grandad grew Cox's Orange Pippins in his little garden in Scotland. I remember being confused and disappointed that they didn't taste like oranges! Bramleys are massive and only used for cooking. They're the quintessential pie apple in the UK. The only time I've heard of them being grown in the States was from a woman who made and sold cider here in Wisconsin. I asked politely if she would be willing to sell me a few so I could make a proper British apple pie. I got an abrupt refusal. I made a note not to buy her cider again. 🍎

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Oct 28, 2021Liked by Kate McDermott

I am loving the names of the Apple varieties. There must be a story behind every single name!

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