Kate, I have all of your cookbooks and love your pie posts. I have even considered coming to the Pie Cottage classes. That is why I have subscribed to your newsletter. That said… maybe you should leave the politics out of your business. You are running people off. Like me and several others that don’t care for your politics. I think Donald Trump is doing a fabulous job and will continue to do so, regardless of your thoughts. The election is over. We won so just leave it alone. I promise he is going to make America Great Again! Even for you and your Swamp buddies!! I am unsubscribing and I wish I could get my money back on your books.
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, Kenna, and although I can't give you back your money directly for the books, I AM making a donation for $100 (the full price of the books) to World Central Kitchen in your honor. Peace to you and yours. Kate
I’m right there with you sis and with the 50% that rejected our current state of affairs. Struggling to find a balance between staying positive about life and watching the chaos unfold on an hourly basis is not easy, and at times feels downright impossible. And four years feels much too long. Pie helps. 😉
I have so enjoyed your recipes & could imagine you as a special friend. I am a teacher, avid cook,gardener, reader, animal lover & grandmother. However, I see from your political comments that as a person who also loves America, law & order, free speech, religious freedom & legal immigration & who also supports our constitution that I sure don't feel welcome. Who knew that an interest in baking would also require hating our president & agreeing with a far-left ideology.
As someone who has had the privilege of knowing Kate since junior high school, I can assure you that she *is* a "special friend" who has never harbored an ounce of hate in her heart. Her warm, expansive welcome is extended to all; it is your choice, of course, to accept or reject however--based on the commonalities you point out--is it possible to engage in the places where you do agree? In this whole, rich buffet, one can choose not to eat the eggplant and still be nourished.
Thank you for having the courage to speak up about this travesty of a president and a government that we have elected. I feel exactly the same way you do, and you expressed yourself perfectly. Immigrants built this country and keep our farms and businesses going. I’m really worried about our federal workers too. People act like they do nothing and that it is ok for Musk to just fire them. I worked for the federal government for 30 plus years and never worked so hard in my life! Because of hiring cuts, we practically always did the job of two people with no appreciation for anything you did. In the civilian sector the workloads would never have been tolerated. I know because I also worked numerous civilian jobs. Musk and Project 25 are making horrible presidents! I read they spent 7 million dollars last week on DOGE, or dodgy. Haven’t verified that fact though. It’s amazing that this unelected fool who burned down Twitter is now in charge of our country. Hopefully we can survive and stop hating each other.
With you 100 percent, Sister. And that's a way we get through this, continuing to pursue and dive into our joy while connecting with like minds and hearts, not ignoring the world but not wallowing in the consciousness of it. That's how we can--starting with ourselves--shift this. I have been joining into group meditations at 6 am, noon, or 6 pm--whatever your timezone, someone, somewhere is doing the same and aligning, even if it is just 5 minutes, even if it is just a moment of closing my eyes and breathing deeply. Time in the company of beloved animals is also a balm for the soul. We all have roles to play here, and all of them begin with connection to our inner core where guidance and grounding lie. We will be shown; we will know. Much love, Friend.
Kate’s newsletter is a quilt of book reviews, music, community AND recipes. She even posts cartoons!
Well , she has an opinion on our current president, no surprise. It’s good to hear all points of view. Read the books, listen to the music or not. The recipes work and I value her opinion whether I share it or not.
Yes, yes, and yes. This seems like an endless nightmare but it is real. It’s so difficult to wrap my head around what is happening. I recently retired from 24 years of federal government service and my heart is hurting and my rage is boiling. But you are right, we can’t maintain these daily levels of stress without harm to mental and physical well-being. So I too, try to limit my news intake and scrolling and I make sure I spend time everyday doing something that brings me some happiness. Also, I called my Congressional offices to voice my opposition to the green light given to musk to invade and slash federal agencies and vital US programs. That makes me feel better too!
Thank you for your words that I fully agree with. Thankfully my close family and friends are of the same opinion. I do believe we must sift thru the chaos and resist. I can only reference Germany before WW2. How many Germans saw the evil but said and did nothing?
I come here for your recipes not political comments , so glad you don’t speak out about them very often . You are naive to think that we can still welcome immigrants like back in the day. And we didn’t always do that either , my great grandfather died on an internment camp in Idaho because of a democrat president issuing that order .
Kate, I have all of your cookbooks and love your pie posts. I have even considered coming to the Pie Cottage classes. That is why I have subscribed to your newsletter. That said… maybe you should leave the politics out of your business. You are running people off. Like me and several others that don’t care for your politics. I think Donald Trump is doing a fabulous job and will continue to do so, regardless of your thoughts. The election is over. We won so just leave it alone. I promise he is going to make America Great Again! Even for you and your Swamp buddies!! I am unsubscribing and I wish I could get my money back on your books.
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, Kenna, and although I can't give you back your money directly for the books, I AM making a donation for $100 (the full price of the books) to World Central Kitchen in your honor. Peace to you and yours. Kate
I’m right there with you sis and with the 50% that rejected our current state of affairs. Struggling to find a balance between staying positive about life and watching the chaos unfold on an hourly basis is not easy, and at times feels downright impossible. And four years feels much too long. Pie helps. 😉
...and family, too. Love you, sis.
Your stone soup reminds me of the wonderful soup stone song by Dr Hook. Thank you as always for your writings
Thank you! I didn't know that song! Here's the link in case others would like it, too. https://youtu.be/RrVrkj4WElE?si=59rMl7i966BKP4Yu
You made me look that up--even though I am of the appropriate vintage, I was unfamiliar with this song. Thanks for enriching my repertoire today.
A new one for me, too!
I have so enjoyed your recipes & could imagine you as a special friend. I am a teacher, avid cook,gardener, reader, animal lover & grandmother. However, I see from your political comments that as a person who also loves America, law & order, free speech, religious freedom & legal immigration & who also supports our constitution that I sure don't feel welcome. Who knew that an interest in baking would also require hating our president & agreeing with a far-left ideology.
I appreciate you checking in today with your thoughts, Linda.
As someone who has had the privilege of knowing Kate since junior high school, I can assure you that she *is* a "special friend" who has never harbored an ounce of hate in her heart. Her warm, expansive welcome is extended to all; it is your choice, of course, to accept or reject however--based on the commonalities you point out--is it possible to engage in the places where you do agree? In this whole, rich buffet, one can choose not to eat the eggplant and still be nourished.
It took me a long time to like eggplant. 😉
Thank you for having the courage to speak up about this travesty of a president and a government that we have elected. I feel exactly the same way you do, and you expressed yourself perfectly. Immigrants built this country and keep our farms and businesses going. I’m really worried about our federal workers too. People act like they do nothing and that it is ok for Musk to just fire them. I worked for the federal government for 30 plus years and never worked so hard in my life! Because of hiring cuts, we practically always did the job of two people with no appreciation for anything you did. In the civilian sector the workloads would never have been tolerated. I know because I also worked numerous civilian jobs. Musk and Project 25 are making horrible presidents! I read they spent 7 million dollars last week on DOGE, or dodgy. Haven’t verified that fact though. It’s amazing that this unelected fool who burned down Twitter is now in charge of our country. Hopefully we can survive and stop hating each other.
"Hopefully we can survive and stop hating each other." So true! And thank you for your 30+ years of service, Sally!
Thank you, Kate, your posts nourish us all! ❤️(Brava on THE WCK donations!)
Thanks, Jolene! I'm pleased as punch about the donations, too!
With you 100 percent, Sister. And that's a way we get through this, continuing to pursue and dive into our joy while connecting with like minds and hearts, not ignoring the world but not wallowing in the consciousness of it. That's how we can--starting with ourselves--shift this. I have been joining into group meditations at 6 am, noon, or 6 pm--whatever your timezone, someone, somewhere is doing the same and aligning, even if it is just 5 minutes, even if it is just a moment of closing my eyes and breathing deeply. Time in the company of beloved animals is also a balm for the soul. We all have roles to play here, and all of them begin with connection to our inner core where guidance and grounding lie. We will be shown; we will know. Much love, Friend.
Keep breathing! ❤❤
A hard time for sure!
Kate’s newsletter is a quilt of book reviews, music, community AND recipes. She even posts cartoons!
Well , she has an opinion on our current president, no surprise. It’s good to hear all points of view. Read the books, listen to the music or not. The recipes work and I value her opinion whether I share it or not.
Thank you Kate.
You're very welcome, Lance and thanks for checking in today with YOUR thoughts and words.
It sounds like you and I are on the same page when it comes to the orange man and the chaos he enjoys creating. Thank you for sharing ❤️🥧🫖
You're welcome, Marilyn and thanks for checking in today.
Yes, yes, and yes. This seems like an endless nightmare but it is real. It’s so difficult to wrap my head around what is happening. I recently retired from 24 years of federal government service and my heart is hurting and my rage is boiling. But you are right, we can’t maintain these daily levels of stress without harm to mental and physical well-being. So I too, try to limit my news intake and scrolling and I make sure I spend time everyday doing something that brings me some happiness. Also, I called my Congressional offices to voice my opposition to the green light given to musk to invade and slash federal agencies and vital US programs. That makes me feel better too!
Calling our elected officials is important so that they hear are ALL our voices. Thanks for your thoughts Mary and your 24 years of service.
Thank you for your message. The saddest part of it all is how half of our nation adores him and believes in what he’s doing. I. Don’t. Get. It. 🫤
Somehow we must figure out a way to find common ground. Thanks for your comment Jeannine.
I share your feelings. ❤
Thank you, Susan. ❤
Thank you for your words that I fully agree with. Thankfully my close family and friends are of the same opinion. I do believe we must sift thru the chaos and resist. I can only reference Germany before WW2. How many Germans saw the evil but said and did nothing?
"How many Germans saw the evil but said and did nothing?" Too many!
Your post brought me to tears, an event I've been fending off for weeks. Thank you and bless you. I'm upgrading to be a subcriber, as a thank-you.
Dear Donna, this means the world to me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I come here for your recipes not political comments , so glad you don’t speak out about them very often . You are naive to think that we can still welcome immigrants like back in the day. And we didn’t always do that either , my great grandfather died on an internment camp in Idaho because of a democrat president issuing that order .
Thank you for your comment and thoughts, Marcia, and I'm very sorry for the loss of your great grandfather in an internment camp.
Sending love.