Aug 24, 2023Liked by Kate McDermott


Thanks for being you and sharing your thoughts, ideas, recipes, photos, writing and whatever else strikes your fancy. I appreciate your efforts.

If I don't agree, or I don't want to read the content, I don't. If I want to I do.

That's what I love---the freedom to choose.

I'm Sorry that some people feel so threatened that they can not be in the same space with you.

I just wish we could listen more to each other without attacking. Anyway, thanks for being brave and sharing you. It is appreciated.

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Thank you so much, Ellen. It felt right to post a song and the words in this newsletter edition. https://katemcdermott.substack.com/p/183-a-song-for-today

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Kate McDermott

Kate. Please be you. If you’re a caring human in the US, politics is part of your DNA. Politics that care about other humans, the planet and the our future. 💕💕

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Tracy, Yes! I believe we ALL must care because if we don't, we will be charred toast. Who knew that there would now be a 5th season...SMOKE. The smoke from the WA and Canada fires cleared yesterday and I am grateful that I can see blue skies, the Olympic Mountains, and Vancouver Island and go outside to walk again, but there are so many who have lost homes in fires. Their future is unclear...and so is ours and that of our children and their children...

I have been watching Extrapolations on AppleTV. It's a heartbreaking view of what is ahead if politicans that do not "care about other humans, the planet and the our future" continue to push their agendas of money and power over survival. I can only watch it in small doses and find myself weeping in each episode. https://www.apple.com/tv-pr/originals/extrapolations/

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Kate McDermott

I would love to meet you, too! Where shall we go? And what days/times work for you? Joyce

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Can you email me at artofthepie@gmail dot com?

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I remember Watergate Salad that was very popular in the mid 1970s, named due to a very famous scandal in Washington, D.C. It was instant pistachio pudding, crushed pineapple, miniature marshmallows, chopped walnuts, and frozen whipped topping. I don’t recall anyone getting their underwear in a bunch about it but took it with a good sense of humor. I just found the recipe on Allrecipes for those who are interested.

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What a recipe, Margery. Watergate seems tame to what we have now.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Kate McDermott

Pie! About as American as it can get! On President’s Day, I make cherry pie. On Juneteenth, I make strawberry pie. On Independence Day – I make blueberry pie. And when our justice system works exactly the way it was intended – we are all winners! All of us! That is something to celebrate. So yes, let’s have a commemorative pie. Thank You, Kate! For your pies and for your sense of humor and lightness of being.

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Thanks, and here’s to the à la mode, too, Cheryl!

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Kate McDermott

Kate, what you offer people is a gift; your talents, your time, your heart and if there are people who cannot accept you as a whole person, more the loss for them. It seems to me it is they who are lacking, unable to open their own hearts to the gifts. They suck up the air, leave their negative energy behind. They are not our people.

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And, the door is always open should they wish to join again. Thanks for your support, Linda.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Kate McDermott

Your Substack is called “Kate McDermott’s Newsletter”, not “Kate McDermott’s PIE Newsletter”. We’re here to read about you, your thoughts, your views on life, and yes, sometimes pie which is only one part of who you are. Keep on keeping on sis. What you have to say about this imperfect world we all live in is worthy reading.

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Dearest Helen, That in a nutshell says it all! I am devoted to pie, but if I wanted to write only about it, I would have kept writing exclusively at the Art of the Pie blog, and I've always felt that there's so much life experience that goes into the pie pan. xoxo

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Kate McDermott

Hi Kate, as another white haired woman, I agree that we have now earned the right to be ourselves. Wrinkles and all. And that you also have a right to share what you believe. You were not hurting anyone. Merely expressing your opinion. Which I happen to agree with you about.

And I also love to cook, knit, paint, garden, read and very much enjoy your newsletter.

Thank you.

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Thank you, Anne! Your words mean everything to me.

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Love ya, Kate!

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Right back at you, Jolene!

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Kate McDermott

I'm not going anywhere, Kate. I'm a wise woman of 72 and you have lived a life I would have been proud to live or be a part of. We have a kinship with the land, and with the spirit beings of this world that few understand. Blessings to you.

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Thank you, Mel. 🥰

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Kate McDermott


You are doing a great job. You server it straight up.

You always keep it real. Thank you for being you.

Many blessings my friend, Rick

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Thank you so much, Rick! Your support means a lot to me! Waving to you across the water.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Kate McDermott

People are complex,which your critics seem to want to forget. If we draw the circle of who we interact with ever smaller because of a disagreement eventually the we will be alone in the circle. Write on, Kate!

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Well said, Jean. Thank so much for your encouragement!

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Kate McDermott

I love you Kate and am always eager to share your thoughtful words and feelings. I’m so proud of your strength and willingness to not being deterred by hate and ignorance.

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Aug 20, 2023·edited Aug 20, 2023Author

Ellen, thank you so very much for your words. They mean a lot as does our friendship.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Kate McDermott

I couldn’t agree more with all your subscribers heartfelt responses. I only hope those who took offense reconsider and see that your newsletters are always about kindness, joy, as well as baking with love. Perhaps they haven’t heard the words ‘to agree to disagree’ or possibly too narrow minded to apply them to their life? You are a deeply mindful woman and I am proud to have your friendship.

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Thank you Janice! I hope so, too, and am grateful that you are my friend.

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It’s your newsletter. I think you get to say what you want. I note that Rick Steves gets the same kind of feedback whenever he says something that may be a teensy weensy bit “political”.

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You're right, Margery. It makes me wonder if Bob Ross was the teensy weensiest bit "political", if people would have liked his happy little trees still. 🌲🌲🌲

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I’ve read read that post( I assume it is the Rico pie one ). All I can sAy is just keep on keeping on. You are such an accomplished person and so inspiring in your writings I can’t do without them ! Keep it going ! !


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Thank you, Jennie, and yes it is RICO.

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