I am so thankful for eyesight that allows me to read! Like you, I usually have a couple of books going at once; and I also put the book aside if it is bogging me down. I love libraries and view them as central to our democracy. I have the honor of serving on the library foundation board; and when I arrive for meetings, I always take a stroll through the stacks just to take it all in! Thanks for setting a great tone, Kate, as we begin August! ❤️

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You’re so welcome, Pam, and thanks for what you do for your library!

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Loved this post, Kate. I like how you give books a try. I’d love to know if you listen to books. I have found Audible a big help when I need to read books for research. Often a narrator will nail the voice and often not. For example, I am trying to listen to.Demon Copperhead and think the writing is solid Barbara Kingsolver but not the voice of the narrator.

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Thanks, Anne! I did get a subscription for an audio book service through my indie bookstore during Covid but didn't keep it up as I found the readers of the books hard to listen to. Maybe it was just the ones I picked. I have a new to me car with a CD player and picked up a book on CD in the free pile at a yard sale this weekend. If I can figure out how to keep it from restarting from Track 1 every time I turn on the car, I think I'll like it for the occasional trips to the big city.

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It helps the miles go by!

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I'll be listening to "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert (that's the book that I picked up in the free pile) today as I drive 1.5 hours to the post-op for my 2nd cataract surgery, and maybe "I Can See Clearly Now" as I have 20/20 distance vision now!

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I teared up at the "kind" quote. Being kind is so important. You just never know who needs it the most at any given time. Why is it so hard for people to be kind?

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I think there is a lot of jealousy, greed and avarice out in the world right now. It's always been there... atleast since Pandora let it out of the box. But, right now it almost seems "in vogue" to be mean. Kindness costs nothing and brings so much to others.

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