Aug 15, 2021Liked by Kate McDermott

What a wonderful remembrance! Thanks so much for sharing this piece of yourself.

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Aug 15, 2021Liked by Kate McDermott

I just adore that photo! Thank you with sharing so much of yourself with us. I would love to have a massage once a week. I have neck problems, apparently due to an aging skeleton that has caused some cartilage to disappear. I was going once a month for a fabulous massage, but that stopped in March, 2020, as did most outside things. I would love to start to go back, but I'm not quite ready yet. My massage therapist, who I love and would go to in a New York minute, left the state to care for her very ill mother. So I had to find someone new and I had just managed to say "hello" via email and make an appointment, when Covid came and shut me up inside. Soon - I hope, but I do worry about the Delta variant.

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Beautiful writing, Kate!

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Lovely, Kate! Thanks for sharing, and the photo, too. I have just come from having a massage. I wish I could afford to have one a week! This one was because I'm having knee replacement surgery next week--so I pulled out all the stops, and saw the chiropractor, acupuncturist, and masseuse this week! A real splurge.

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Aug 14, 2021Liked by Kate McDermott

What wonderful memories! I love your newsletters and look forward to each one.

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